
Fall 1994: Trial by Jury


Gilbert and Sullivan's first collaboration, Thespis, ran for barely a month in 1872 and then vanished. The two parted company for a time, teaming up again three years later when a one-act operetta was needed to round out a program featuring Offenbach's La Perichole. This musical dessert was Trial By Jury, and it soon proved more popular than the main course. Sullivan and Rowe's The Zoo, written to follow a play by Gilbert, opened at another theatre three months later and was clearly an attempt to capitalize on the success of Trial. It never achieved the same popularity and all but disappeared until 1966, when the musical score surfaced at an auction at Southby's. In both operas, Sullivan's spirited music makes deft allusions to the conventions — and pretensions — of Grand Opera. And, as there is no spoken dialogue in either show, it's an evening of wall-to-wall Sullivan.

Director: Molly Moore
Assistant Director: Joseph T. Washington
Music Director: Leanne DeVane
Producer: Bob Weeks


Scott Baros
Edwin (the Defendant)
Mark E. King
The Learned Judge
Jim Caffrey
Counsel for the Plaintiff
Joseph T. Washington
Angelina (the Plaintiff)
Lynette Blake
Foreman of the Jury
Bob Weeks


Terry Benedict, Tracy Burdick, Richard Burns, Christine Dettman, Barbara A. Dick, Peter Dunbar, Mike Ellsworth, Julia Ferreira, Les Finley, Pamela Good, Stephen Gullo, Bill Hammond, Isabele Henry, Lindsay Holmes, Amanda Lobaugh, Jimmie B Lobaugh, Jamie Loehr, Angela Maloney, John McCrank, Linda Minier, Patti Anne Montrois, Jean Gordon Ryon, David Schafer, Anne Virgil, Scot Zaffora-Reeder


House Manager
Jordu Kelly-Sutliff
Stage Manager
Robert Ciaccia
Bodie McCaffrey
Costume Manager
Maryanne Lettis
Lighting Designer
Michele Denber
Program Design
Sarah Freeman

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Off-Monroe Players, Inc.
P.O. Box 18722
Rochester, NY 14618
(585) 232–5570
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