
Spring 1993: Ruddigore


First produced in 1887, Ruddigore was Gilbert and Sullivan's eighth operetta, and would have been a greater popular success if Mikado hadn't been their seventh. This is our third production of Ruddigore, and is the first to incorporate the original (and usually omitted) second act finale, "When a man has been a naughty baronet," which we've combined with the traditional reprise of "Oh, happy the lily."

In the original production of Ruddigore, Gilbert called the men in Act I a "chorus of Bucks and Blades," and dressed them in military regalia. We've moved the period of the piece from early 19th to early 20th century, and have altered the character of the men's chorus, as well; we call our group of weekend sportsmen "chorus of Upper-class Twits".

And speaking of curses, generations of less-than-nimble tenors thus honor the memory of Durward Lely, the original Richard Dauntless, for it was at his suggestion that Gilbert inserted a hornpipe following Richard's opening song.

— Terry Benedict

Director: Terry Benedict
Music Director: Leanne DeVane
Choreography: Terry Benedict, Doug Waite, Joseph T. Washington
Producers: Molly Moore, Bob Weeks


Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd (Robin Oakapple)
Peter Scribner
Richard Dauntless
Mark E. King
Sir Despard Murgatroyd of Ruddigore
Bill Hammond
Old Adam Goodheart
Bob Weeks
Rose Maybud (A Village Maiden)
Melanie Ross
Mad Margaret
Pamela Good
Dame Hannah
Jacquie Karash
Zorah (Professional Bridesmaid)
Lynette Blake
Ruth (Professional Bridesmaid)
Fran Carlisi-Paxson
Sir Roderic Murgatroyd
Jimmie B Lobaugh


Ted Benedict, Tracy Burdick, Jim Caffrey, Bob Caroccio, Christine Dettman, Peter Dunbar, Julia Ferreira, Nancy Galletto, Jordu Kelly-Sutliff, Amanda Lobaugh, Angela Maloney, Mary Carol Maloney, Michelle Meminger, Molly Moore, David Raymond, Jean Gordon Ryon, David Schafer, Jerry Scrivens, Doug Waite, Joseph T. Washington, Julie Wiedman, Byron Wilmot, Augusta Wilson, Paul Wilson


House Managers
Robert Ciaccia, Nicolas Ricketts
Production Crew
Mary Zwierzynski-Slack
Amanda Lobaugh, Bodie McCaffrey, Jean Gordon Ryon
Set Designers
Carol Caffrey-Salce, Christine Dettman, Nicolas Ricketts, Jerry Scrivens
Costume Manager
Brian Smith
Lighting Designer
Michele Denber
Bob Weeks
Program Design
Bob Weeks

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Off-Monroe Players, Inc.
P.O. Box 18722
Rochester, NY 14618
(585) 232–5570
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