
Spring 1988: The Pirates of Penzance


These people, "all of whom are beauties," have spent many hours to prepare a thoroughly delightful theatrical experience which comes truly from their hearts. As their director and friend, I can only say that all 41 of them have reminded me of what friendship and dedication is all about. We've spent time laughing, arguing, and being serious in the preparation of this show. Without their complete support, hard work, and most of all the abundance of sensitivity and professionalism, this production would not have been possible. I am proud to say I am a part of this group, and I thank them all for their patience, support, criticism, friendship, and also for the trust and confidence they have for "such an one as I." To the cast, "I love you all with affection unspeakable," and I do not regret having been mixed up with the lot of you. Thank you for making this time a truly unique and sharing experience.

Director: Barbara A. Dick
Choreography: Jimmie B Lobaugh, Bettina G. Pollard, Brian Smith
Dance Captain: Mary Zwierzynski-Slack
Producer: Julia Ferreira

Cast 1

The Pirate King
Byron Wilmot
Frederic (the Pirate Apprentice)
Buck Stein
Samuel (the Pirate King's lieutenant)
Steve Ellis
Ruth (a pirate maid of all work)
Mary Lynne Conti
Major-General Stanley
Dana Paxson
Anne Virgil
Sarah Zaffora-Reeder
Kathy Kriese
Marcy Finkel-Long
Sergeant of Police
Jimmie B Lobaugh

Cast 2

The Pirate King
Gerald Wiener
Frederic (the Pirate Apprentice)
Ron Herman
Samuel (the Pirate King's lieutenant)
Terry Benedict
Ruth (a pirate maid of all work)
Bettina G. Pollard
Major-General Stanley
David Schafer
Edie Stewart
Michelle Meminger
Debi Hirsch
Marcy Finkel-Long
Sergeant of Police
Jimmie B Lobaugh


Maureen Barry, Christine Dettman, Peter Dunbar, Julia Ferreira, Donald A. Haight, Bill Hammond, Ellen Klein, Margaret Ann Lawson, Maryanne Lettis, Mary E. Lyubomirsky, Mary Carol Maloney, Miriam Marshall, Molly Moore, Flo Paxson, Dan Prosperi, David Raymond, Mary Ann Rouse, Susanna Sullivan Perkins, Elizabeth Taylor-Willems, Bob Weeks, Scot Zaffora-Reeder, Mary Zwierzynski-Slack


Sally R. Martin


House Managers
Maureen Barry, Christine Dettman, Molly Moore, Mary Ann Rouse
Costume Manager
Sarah Freeman
Lighting Designer
David Smith
David Schafer
Sarah Freeman
Program Design
Julia Ferreira, Bill Hammond

View The Pirates of Penzance Photos on Flickr

Off-Monroe Players, Inc.
P.O. Box 18722
Rochester, NY 14618
(585) 232–5570
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